
I have been a remedial therapist, naturopath and Bowen therapist for the past 28 years. For the past few months I have had knee pain that has kept me awake at night. Osteopathy, massage and stretching made no difference and finding a good Bowen practitioner in my area has not been easy. While visiting a friend in Melbourne I booked in with Irina for a Bowen treatment. After the first visit I was out of pain or the first time in months. I found her technique and touch excellent. I had a follow up treatment the following week and over the next few days I could feel my body realign. I have left Melbourne and have been doing lots of bushwalking.
I thoroughly recommend Irina as a Bowen therapist.
Llyris Robyns

Irina has treated my hip area 4 times. I have suffered pain for many years due to an accident. Irina's treatments have been very beneficial, and it is now much easier for me to walk properly and with less pain. I will keep going back for more treatments. I would highly recommend Irina's Bowen therapy as it's very gentle and very effective. Thank you, Irina.
Martina Wilson

Very happy with Irina’s skill and professionalism - my sciatica has gone and I’m comfortable again. I highly recommend Gentle Body Balance 🙏
Liz Stilwell

I had sore back and neck and had several treatments with Irina. The improvement was really noticeable after each session, and the problem completely resolved now. What's also great, my digestion and sleep also improved after Bowen sessions. The clinic is very clean and I felt very comfortable. I highly recommend Gentle Body Balance.
Boris Bromberg

I had three sessions of Bowen Therapy with Irina. She is a very caring and gentle person who makes the whole experience of Bowen Therapy very calming and relaxing. When I told Irina I was about to have foot surgery, she said Bowen could help me prepare for that.
I was very apprehensive about the surgery, as I had been told by my physiotherapist that it is a very painful procedure and recovery. I was delighted to find that I had in fact minimal pain and my recovery has been quite rapid.
I would not hesitate to recommend Irina to anyone looking to improve their health. Thank you so much Irina! 
Fay Peterson, Vermont

Irina has a very gentle and caring approach that isn’t always obvious in the health industries. She takes the time to really understand what’s going on with you, and any fears you may have around treatments of particular areas - with nerve damage, I have fear around therapists hurting me unintentionally, but Irina stayed present throughout treatment allowing me to relax and get full benefit from her healing hands. Thanks Irina!
Jo Sheehan

I really love the way such gentle treatment makes such a big impact. I find much less muscle stiffness and a great sense of well being following treatment by Irina. I would genuinely recommend this to everyone.
Sue Joseph

Irina has helped me with long standing back problems and pain - is kind, caring, compassionate, passionate about her work and interested in seeking out individual solutions. Thank you Irina.
Shirley Boyd

I am recovering from cancer surgery and have been suffering from lymphatic oedema, debilitating body pains that made me unable to walk more than 10 min, and severe migraines. My energy was really low too and I could hardly get anything done. I decided to try Bowen therapy with Gentle Body Balance, but first treatment didn’t bring any noticeable improvement. However the second treatment had amazing results – I felt incredibly energised (spend hours cleaning the house!!), my pain receded and I felt so much better. I love the way my body responded to Bowen and now looking forward to more treatments to get me back to feeling mobile and pain free. Thank you so much Irina!
Svetlana Finkin

Bowen therapy sessions with Irina are mentally grounding and physically very soothing. For me they have helped to relieve muscle tightness and restlessness. Irina has a very calming and supportive manner, taking great care in her subtle but deeply effective practice.
Amy Collins

I had several sessions which really helped to clear up a stubborn respiratory problem. The Bowen treatment eased the muscular tension caused by weeks of coughing and I felt that contributed to my recovery.
Meg Philips

Before finding Irina I was frequently visiting my physio to treat back pain from a old spinal injury which only ever helped temporarily. 3 sessions with Irina and I feel like new again! I didn't realise how much tension I was holding throughout my whole body which Irina has made disappear. If you are suffering from any pain or tension and feel like you have tried everything, honestly bowen is for you. I highly recommend Irina, she is lovely and caring and will help you feel better again. Thanks Irina :)
Ashley Constantine

Initially I heard about Bowen Therapy with Irina from my friend and ever since then my neck problems have improved substantially. The service that she provided was relaxing, comfortable and extremely professional. I would recommend Irina's Bowen Therapy to everyone.
Inna Kazakevich

Irina, thank you - I believe as a result of your Bowen therapy sessions before my previous operations - in December 2018 and January 2019, post-operative pain was much weaker and more tolerant than after many previous such operations without Bowen therapy sessions. Previously, after these operations, I was yelling from unbearable pain over a period of 2 to 5 days. And now intolerable pain was not present at all, I even didn't really need many painkillers after anaesthesia. I feels that recovery after both operations was also much shorter!
Efim Kogan

I highly recommend Irina, very good Bowen Therapist, also very caring and nurturing.
Lise Saugeres


“I really love the way such gentle treatment makes such a big impact. I find much less muscle stiffness and a great sense of well being following treatment by Irina. I would genuinely recommend this to everyone.”